Building Department
The purpose of the Building Division is to enforce the minimum requirements of the California Building codes; to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through structural strength, means of egress, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, energy conservation, safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment; and to provide safety to firefighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.
The Building Division processes all building permit applications, which includes plan check when required; and insures building permit submittals meet City/State Building code requirements as well as comply with other City Department policies and standards. The Division responds to public inquiries, assists with the review of housing rehabilitation projects associated with City loan/grant programs, and provides staff assistance to the Planning Commission, City Appeals Board, City Council and City Manager. The Building Division is a part of the Community Development Department and is supervised by the Community Development Director. The Building Department issues building permits and performs building inspections and is one of 3 departments within the Community Development Department supervised by the Community Development Director, responsible for overseeing and guiding development activities in the City of Grass Valley.
Major activities include:
- Administration and enforcement of California Building Codes
- Assistance to the public on permit applications
- Review of Housing Rehabilitation projects associated with City loan / grant programs
- Provides Staff assistance to the Planning Commission, City Council and City Manager