From the Chief

Chief Gammelgard's message...


Welcome to the Grass Valley Police Department website. It is my hope that you will find this site to be a valuable resource for you to learn about the department, and that you will discover ways in which you can join in partnership with us to make this community a better place to live, work, and visit. If you have ideas about how to improve our website, please let us know.

The members of the Grass Valley Police Department are proud to serve you and this community. We are committed to providing high quality services through a commitment to our core values: dedication, excellence, and partnerships.

The Grass Valley Police Department places an emphasis on Community Oriented Policing. Sir Robert Peel was correct when he said, “The police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.” This is to say that each of us, as community members, have eyes and ears that are incredibly useful in detecting and deterring crime in our community. By establishing relationships with residents, merchants and our department, we are positioned to assist in your individual police related needs. A healthy rapport between the public and our Department discourages criminal activity from gaining a stronghold in our community.

I invite you to contact us with any comments, questions, or suggestions you might have at Again, thank you for your partnership and we look forward to working together with you to reduce crime, improve the quality of life, and maintain a safe community and city for all to enjoy.

Remember that together we do make a difference.

Chief Gammelgard has been a member of the Grass Valley Police Department for over 20 years.  He is a graduate of Nevada Union High School and holds a bachelor of business administration degree with concentrations in finance and law and public policy from Gonzaga University.  He worked as a reserve officer in Spokane, Washington prior to joining GVPD.  As one who has grown up in western Nevada County, he has a passion for ensuring our quality of life and unique character for generations to come.